Day 925: Collapse/Cower/Fold (Perspective)

Happy times get old real fast when learning how we let things slip by, it’s the great awakening but not how you think because at the end of the day we’re responsible for letting the ship sink, where with no means for in between we start to lose faith, coming to grips with there being no one out there coming to save the you, I mean what is responsibility if no one wants to take it, more so or less than the ones busy collapsing and changing their system, where in their minds “At least we’re doing something”, while all we’re used to is cowering and folding, especially when questioned about side-taking and stepping, we digress into a catatonic state and play dummy. It’s funny because we’ll drag others down to our level, then fight for our spite to stay there and do nothing, accept point the finger for someone else to knuckle up for you, because all we know is to hide and wait for change. I mean it’s not a fist fight with just one person, so why do we get mad and take our anger out on another, blaming them for what’s going on inside us, and as we exhale our whole body becomes limp, with no back bone to fall back on to push ourselves back up, thinking this is the time to “Fold Em” instead of Holding accountability, and as the saying goes, “This too Shall Pass”, but not until we pass alone the understanding of what’s really going on. Enjoy!

Accumulated consequences is the result of dominance that promises to own every human alive, where since the beginning of time man has tried to reach the pinnacle, of Godhood to stand in place of the one’s that created us, in “Us” I mean this life form in which our being-ness reside, being-ness most misconstrue as being our souls, not realizing that if you “Think”, you’re also being controlled, by this little thing called the “Mind” we believe is a terrible thing to waste. It’s a system inside a system designed to facilitate our preprogrammed life path, and by life path meaning there’s no coincidence for anything we experience in our lives, but wholeheartedly believe we’re making rational decisions, when systems too’ have their own level of rational programming.

So by our choosing we individually chose to lock ourselves into the path we thought would fit us best, and experience ourselves in certain ways while correcting our Human-Nature, Human-Nature being our ability to Spite one another for Energy and Power, thinking whomsoever have all the power will be able to bend the world to their will.

We then manifested this Spiteful power as money in a physical form, then formed grouping of laws directing the flow of it to the top, and made everything that the Earth provide freely subject to having money, before putting the trickledown theory into place to enact world dominance, trickledown because it’s a trick to keep the common man down, where if you want more you must become a minion to the agenda of the narrators, and within that you can have all the money you want just as long as you can keep a secret, and that’s where the secret behind the secret that’s not a secret comes in.

This then spawned societies of power hungry people with money to create separatist groups, and as they grew they gain more power in the regions in which they were founded, with a sole purpose to coerce the individual into following commands, by way of giving’- in telling you that you need “things” to survive, it just so happened that these things you need would became distractions to keep you occupied, while the right to live the life you want disappears in front of your eyes, given rise to Masters that flatters the senses into believing the truth is a lie, for when the truth is told you fold and cower to not be ostracized.

It’s a cry-me of an epic proportion to believing in the propaganda that you don’t matter, the blatant degrading and inhumane shaming done by global partners, enacted through disasters of “Wag the Dog” in historic fashion, which is a prominent pattern we can’t seem to get passed for pending distractions, given rise to concepts like, “If it isn’t one thing it’s another” accepting the belief that “this is too much, I can’t take it no more”, ignoring how it’s still our responsibility to fight for our right to live and equalize our-self to life, so when the next cycle begin there’s no looming collapse in sight.

It’s the subtle emergence of an uncomfortable feeling is all it takes, to breach the line of resistance and see that fear can be replaced, where with every step we make turns our cower into power, and folding into embolden ourselves to no longer accept this inequality, which take a bit of understanding on the true definition of a leader, that has nothing to do with force but a practitioner of what’s preached, and with this understanding we can rebuild our common core, as; the more we stand (up) together the harder it is to be ignored. Therefore;

When the resistance to standing arises within you make sure to push through it, because making a statement in this age of information helps to awaken the questioning masses, and although there’s more to awakening one-self one must get to a base point of understanding, that if you choose to cower others are certain to follow and so find ourselves in this position again.

Thanks for reading.

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Day 924: Bubble Burst (Perspective)

If you watch/hear or see the same thing for so long you start to believe it, and as you believe it you attach yourself to it, more so or less it influences our belligerence, to/towards anything reasonable like common sense, it’s like layer after layer of paint caked on a wall, an because it’s hard to remove we put wallpaper on it, where if you ask a previous tenant what’s the original color, they’ll tell you to peel back the wallpaper and that’s what it is, meaning just because you see one thing doesn’t mean it is what it is, that we repeat in our minds and call this insight for what things are – happenings that only happen because we never used paint thinner, to see that the wall is moldy and bound to fall apart.

Where in the background if you look closely the truth is hidden in plain sight, but because we’ll never admit our faults, we only listen to the words = the absurdity of propaganda that only serve to burst your bubble, so when feeling unease we look for someone else to second our message, it’s the “Closed-Mindedness with broken desires that keeps the truth falling on deaf ears, where by design we don’t want to hear things that excites our inner most fear, so praise the sleeper for sleeping that ultimately keeps us asleep till November, that makes it a cold dark winter for those not apt to standing up.

Now when for a moment you do see something that doesn’t fit and want to suppress it, it’s the same as accepting our own demise as we sprint towards being careless, spare me the limitation of debating about something that’s currently present, is the idea of having no power to be able to change to a different direction.

It’s interesting how we only confess our blindness when standing to lose something, but when we don’t want to see things we continue playing the game, that is until we’re called out about the choices we were looking to get away with, and now have to backtrack in admittance the effect it has on ourselves, let alone others in our worlds who saw the mistake coming to head, and in so many ways letting us know they’ve been down that road before, but still then reserve no judgment because everyone works with human nature, plus it’s never too late to un-suppress what may be a detriment to any relationship.

High Hopes and Expectations are but a few examples that spawns the bubble burst, like putting your faith in something that feels good comes with the polarity thereof, thinking “I thought things would be a certain way” then realizing that they’re not, in exampling words spoken and not followed through on or with, by any head of society that violently pushes toward greed, but we’ve accepted this in our own worlds = wanting our own cake and eating it too, where the share becomes too hard to do when one is addicted to eating sweets, which in this case is the idea of power that ultimately causes our defeat.

The same goes for putting too much trust in the one leading the way, especially if we ourselves haven’t investigated the one we’ve chosen to lead, it’s like a blind date with ‘Colors’ led by a color blind person, who doesn’t see the glaring resonance flickering “Danger Ahead”, but instead we push forward out of fear or self-interest, that eclipses our common sense to being stuck with our own decisions, but again we don’t see this until our bubble burst, that comes with the feeling of worthlessness amidst a storm of depression.

Hopefully hopeful hoping that hope will somehow save the day, is us anxiously awaiting for News full of hope so we can breathe, because as things become more in-credible we start to realize our flawed decisions, panting/pacing/shaking, bracing for impactful conflict with others who’ve warned us.

But could it be the gift behind having your bubble burst, is Life’s way of letting us know our own Self-Distrust, because if we trust our-Self we would investigate our own experiences, structurally designed feeling that changes our fortitude into being compliant, as we accept lie after lies to hide our lack of self-will, and only fall in line with being told how we should feel, where at which point is it too late to release ourselves from this bubble, of ideas/perceptions and beliefs that sweeps what’s really going on under the rug?

Life is not a sad song but a melody worth understanding, like to become equal to and one with Life is to be trusted by life, that takes the Human Man and Woman to really get to “Know Thy Self” and able to equalize oneself with all as life that exist. So instead of accepting the all mighty as a Spiritual Belief Gimmick, have a look at the energy behind how we love to be in suspense, the quick turn in one moment from reality to a person’s true colors, that pricks the invisible cellophane to bursting our own damned bubbles.

In all never put much faith in things we resist investigating, because if it feels right and resonates with us is it then just something we want to hear, that should be an indication to cross-reference before embracing, then sharing what we see as our prominent point for taking responsibility.

Thanks for reading.

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Day 923: Bully Pulpit (Perspective)

You wonder why things are hard to see that could be attributed to the bully pulpit, with a feeling that things don’t quite seem to be the way they should, but can’t quite pinpoint it let alone put a finger on it, meanwhile it’s the finger in which fucks the world, that sucks the life blood right out of humanity, while human being have set back and given self-governance to money, we’ve allowed our bullish nature to be subject to bullying, but just as above so below, we look for forcible ways to subside human nature, claiming it’s the responsible thing to do, but really it’s to cover up our own fuckups.

Could it be why the concept “Sweep it under the rug” was created, as an attempt to stop one from questioning their own society, so when harm is done to a certain group of people, it’s blamed on another to make it more digestible, and as we go along believing the presenter is innocent, we subjugate ourselves to a forceful dominance, that will spread like wild fire being directed from the top, and the only way you can see this is to Stop Participation.

The bully pulpit will tell you exactly what you want to hear, then add in ideas of separation from one race to the next, but if you really look at it it’s the same playbook from the past, oppress a race then set them free then tell them they’re oppressed again, and time and time again we fall for this same design, but what’s different this time is there is more of an equal standing in society, and because they can’t affect all those of the race in question that has woken up to this scheme, they’ll approach the street dwellers to have them to do their bidding, it’s interesting because money is what we’ve allowed to define our self-worth, so become worthy for a cause that’s designed to take you out, and just because the bully in the pulpit gives credence to your insecurities, doesn’t mean that you are secure from what LIFE has to offer.

It’s just a watered down way of saying, “You Will Have To Face Your Self”, but in the moment of thinking we’re in control it’s just the Ego plotting against you, to in due time take revenge for not listening to your-Self, but can’t see it for having the dollar $ signs glistening in our eyes, never asking the question of how is the bully really created, then looking at the creation of the bully within ourselves, and because it’s ingrained within us to bully our way through and to what we “Want”, it’s hard to see how our own manipulation have given rise to being controlled.

Now when you look back at childhood to when you we’re stopped from making your own decisions, then told that the decisions you want to make is not the way “I” want you to live, by a parent or guardian or older sibling under the guise of protection, this is when we we’re introduced to bullying and became bullies in our own worlds, with loves, likes and dislikes, free choices and opinions, that oddly enough only resonated with the experience of catching Feeling, we unknowingly projected the bully within us onto people in our circle, that could be why most relationship from our past is not present.

And if you’re really trying to figure out how bullying works, start with looking in the mirror to see why you believe you are your thoughts, because if you believe your own thoughts you’ll believe the thoughts of another, then bully yourself into making irrational decisions, especially when it’s based in fear or repercussions, we’ll purposefully not look any further to see what’s really behind it, so when the truth of the matter comes out we’ll say “It was hard to see”, but really have let the bully in me be subject to being bullied.

That’s why we allow bullying in school because we see it in the News – that defines the domination of another as a good leadership quality, but more so it’s the damnation of ‘equity’ which is a race to the bottom, that shows how we’ve allowed ourselves to live life from a bottom feeders perspective, because anything coming from the top that doesn’t have our best interest in mind, is the exacerbation of a compromised authority figure that’s been bullied, where the only things they can do is Pull as many people as they can into the Pit of demise, so from the pulpit lies are spit to keep most of humanity blind.

Where within we make shrines to praise Gods, Gurus, Masters, Kings and Queens, then let their bully message massage our minds into being complacent, then teach our children there’s nothing greater in Life than to submit in concession, so our potential is never realized or reached to see who we really are, par for having glimpse into our own abilities at certain times, far and few in between for allowing the bully to direct our lives, we’ll still see how the responsibility is none other than our own, but until we just say NO will we allow ourselves to see it.

You can never get rid of the bully as long as it exist within yourself, so how can I get rid of the bully that exist within me, you see because we’ll remember much more of what someone else says than what comes up in our minds, we must equally pay attention to the experiences we have inside, like are my reactions warranted when someone simply has a different view than I, and what will be the consequence if I attempt to force them to my side, will what I spread be lies if I haven’t investigated it thoroughly myself, plus why am I submitting to what doesn’t seem to be common sense, or do I really need to fight for my own limitations, is what I’m saying fear based projected onto another to same face, have I placed myself in a position of making things hard for me to see, and if any of the above is true I must be the Bully within me. Therefore;

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize/understand how I’ve subjected myself to bullying/being bullied in a way where I just went along with the ideas/perceptions/beliefs of a society filled with laws do’s and don’ts, as if things were in my best interest when they weren’t, where I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see how I’ve suppressed my best interest in the back of my mind, that in turn tampered with my stability, showing clearly how my life was being orchestrated around bullying.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have based my stability off of bullying myself into believing what everyone else does is what I should do as well, because I didn’t want to “Feel” left out, ostracized or degraded, and so instead of looking at how my bullish way would ultimately subject me to following along with a narrative coming from the bully pulpit, I became the drive of a “cattle car” to bring people to my side, that really wasn’t my side as I was being taking for a ride, and so accepted the Ego that came with it believing that I’m right, and didn’t seek to cross-reference the information I sided with, that opened the door for gullibility to veil my own common sense.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand how I have been degrading myself by allowing the bully to exist within and as me, by way of turning a blind eye towards my internal reality, so when any authority figure spewed a narrative that seems incredible, I relinquished my own credibility towards self to fall in line with whatever’s in it for me, where as a collective that’s what we do thinking money is the ultimate self-governance, which makes it hard to see that our own self-autonomy, (Authority) awareness, equality and oneness is the key, to equalize ourselves to each other as all, in replenishing our common core so we no longer fall.

So the core of the matter is to investigate self and what resonate as common sense being best for all and not just for the ‘few’ (democracy), that way the autocracy coming from the pulpit is directed by the people that not subject to one man’s human bullish nature, for lack of better work meaning a devil in disguise, and what better way to start than to look at yourself inside.

Thanks for reading.

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Day 922: Hard To See (Just an Excerpt)

It’s so compelling that we rebel against what makes us feel uncomfortable, where on the surface when submerging our face, face deep in distractions, it’s hard to see what lies beneath the presentation of information we let drive our decision making process, like what’s the framework behind this picture, what’s the history that makes me believe this information resonates with me, when it really doesn’t = the questions we don’t ask our-Self for moving passed the opportunity to really investigate all things thoroughly, before injecting in fear to be projected onto/towards people in our lives, i.e. family members and friends etc., especially when it comes to our individual well-being/survival, life and living, where if we live our life according to our comfort ability, our ability to confront discomfort will be confined to uncertainty.

Therefore when emergencies arise we desert our stability for a point normality, claiming, “I just want things to get back to normal” as if to abdicate our responsibility for making things happen, and when things happen we want them to stop, to the architects of the narrative that only serves to feed you more poisons, and just when you think things are on the up and up, you’re wooed back to sleep by a poised manipulator, agitator of deceit that enjoys feeding you lies, and because we can’t see what’s hidden in plain sight, we’ll straddle the agenda and ride it off into the sun set, or better yet ride it to death until there’s no life left, because it hard to see a way forward standing on the edge of a cliff, not realizing the next step we take may take us down with the ship.

It’s like turning a blind eye then turning the other cheek, thinking “I can’t believe what you’re saying to me” or more so, “I’m not ready to go that deep with information”, but really I’ll never admit how gullible I am, because if this is true “I won’t be able to live with myself”, not realizing the way we’ve been living is not for ourselves, but a figment of our imagination we think is our-Self, I mean imagine living in a society where everyone knows themselves, who sees things coming before its enacted, then move in an orderly fashion to correct the situation, that takes no debating when we’re on the same page, ready to engage when things are not best for all life.

But this is what makes things hard to see, (i.e.) The best way to scare someone is to first draw them in, then massage their mind until they become comfortable, and under the spell of comfort ability make them believe they have a choice in the matter, then after – scare them something they can’t possibly see, where the massaging comes from the different “Shows” you watch, and the choice in the matter is the “Remote Control” you crutch, flipping through different channels as if you’re in control, not realizing this was a way of adding more memories to the soul, then after being mind-controlled tell them there’s an imminent danger, and you can’t see it so stay away from strangers, matter of fact stay away from everyone who don’t live in your house, because they might have the thing we’re talking about.

It’s the sleight of hand trick, “Look over there, there’s nothing to see here”, meanwhile you’re freedoms are stripped away because you can’t see clear, then years later when you’ve given up all your rights, that’s when the truth comes out and you’re forced to see it, but whether you see it, believe or leave it you’re still being deceived, because we’re still Not taking responsibility for Self, as life as the flesh you may think my body my choice, but what choice do you have when not standing up for ALL life?

This is the end of a cycle, we’ve been here plenty times before, where the only thing that remains “True” is we love to ignore it, the truth because it doesn’t really pay very well, not realizing that if we just pay Attention we won’t need to be paid, which makes for a society impossible to be enslaved, and paves the way for the redefinition of transparency, which is being forthcoming to all with respect and dignity, and only then will we be able to stand equal to and one with Life. Can you see it?

More to come…

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Day 921: Concepts (Perspective)

An amazing escape from reality we’ve created through the idea of concepts, as a roundabout way to shield the truth of reality from another because we ourselves may be scared of it (in a sense), so perpetuate our own fear placement onto the other as if they can’t handle the truth, not realizing all this does is impede the learning/comprehension and understanding ability of the other, in taking the choice to make a decision about the reality of things in the moment out of their hands, and elongating it into the future when they “will” inevitably learn the truth about what has already passed, where under the guise of shielding them from what we deem as too much for them, can in some cases do more harm than good.

Where on the outside of one’s own reality, it may not be your place to say anything, but inside your world the responsibility lies in each within it, not congruent to any gossip or self-dilutions, but more so the different age groups that questions the truth about your reality and mine, because this is how personal realities are made, take a little from here and there to make our own, until we nestle in comfort in our own reality, that will come crumbling down if the information that was given was just a concept (Idea) of reality and not an actuality = minus certain details is just as good as telling a lie, because the one in question will end up believing it and walk into something partially ready.

This could be why children get left behind, because the parent wants to shield them from the absolute truth of things, and so things like the “Birds and the Bees” are not explained correctly, let alone at all, but given a concept in place of the truth, then say don’t do that, and what do the child do, they say ok and go and do it anyway away from the parent, and when caught, comes the abuse for what the child chooses, when it’s really the parent who should have been absolute, and you also see this in rating of movies, where the parent thinks the child is too young to watch violence, but will buy them a PS5 with zombie games on them, and games like the call of duty that ignites their belligerence, not realize that virtual reality sticks more in the mind, so when the child grows up their virtual reality becomes their reality, and now you have a generation that doesn’t care about society, just as long as they can go back to being “Ready Player One”.

Outside of psychology and philosophy, could it be that concepts have played a major role in how consciousness was made, like there’s really no intelligence that’s artificial in fact, being that it’s an extension of the human mind and nature, and the material that’s used comes from the same substance we do, but think we’re different than what we create, where after the creation gets out of hand we use concepts like; “I didn’t know what would happen”, in hope to remain exempt from the consequence to follow – that’s a problem because the consequence will always effect the creator, and those in the path makes the consequence greater, until there’s no escape from the destruction of humanity, that’s why we pray frantically for intervention and saving.

They say; “It’s a New Way of Doing Things”, we humans think we’re the first, but can’t conceptualize the possibility that we may have been here before, different titles with a new face for a business that went under, as if we’re dumb enough to forget how much the same business sucks, but because we’re so inundated with pretty pictures and new slogans, we rush to be the first one branded with the same Bullshit, caught up in hash-tagging for trending to keep the people dumb down, that could have been avoided if we’d never watered down things to our children.

It’s such a tragedy that it’s almost laughable, how from birth we never realize what we say creates our reality, and for generations now it’s passed down from Mother, Father to Child, and even come up with concepts surrounding the sins of the fathers, and so with abstract objects, mental objects and mental states, we place a veil in front of the responsibility we should take, thinking time is the most precious commodity we have, until time exposes the cover ups we’ve crafted through concepts.

The bottom line is, one of the reasons why some get ahead and others don’t, is the difference between being told and shown the actual truth of reality from the start, verses being told you’re not ready for certain knowledge and information, where it’s then unrealized why some children can’t wait to get away from home and out on their own, in search of truths that wasn’t given to them when it mattered, and since you have a society that was raised the same, when the truth comes out it’s unbelievable, until it affects you one think is unconceivable, but regurgitated for the next generations to follow.

So how do one reverse this process, is as simply as sharing the truth about the process we’re walking, in absolute, real words with practical example without concepts, like if it took 3 steps to get me here, why say I was there and now I’m here, where within lies an actionable dimension that goes missing, because the interpretation of our words may be taken as is, so when it comes time for the child to take the first step, all they can remember you saying is Goo Goo, Ga Ga. Therefore;

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create my reality through concepts, a roundabout way to only accept pieces of reality that resonates with my self-interest, and turn the other cheek towards what’s actually happening within it, and so when the truth of things come out is hard for me to believe, because of the beliefs I’ve had thinking I’m not ready for certain knowledge and information, where within lies the responsibility I would have to accept and take, but spent most of my time abdicating it, and in doing so only looked to hang around with likeminded individual, that way I wouldn’t be the only one constantly searching for the truth that’s right in front of us to no avail.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to use concepts constructively, to stop my ideas/perceptions and beliefs, to look for ways to change me from who I was in using metaphors in order to beat around the bush, in place of things I never investigated, to who I really am as life – equalizing myself to the truths of reality and the virtual reality we’ve created as the truth, to be able to change and correct the past from another bad creation.

And in doing so we embrace our responsibility for letting take place what we have accepted and allowed, as the current state of things, to stand from here no further accepting and allowing ourselves to be sleep at the wheel, so to speak, but to create a reality that’s best for all, in all way that includes you and me.

Thanks for reading.

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Day 920: Look Back, Instead Move Forward

Walking in thick mud for a period of time, inhibits getting to where you’re trying to go, and as the mud gets thicker we start to move slow, until the burden becomes the weight that sticks us in place, thing is with a few more steps starts the downhill stride, that most won’t get to for looking back from whence we came, wondering what can I use from back there to get me out of here, as self-deception appears to be the escape from self-placement, like thinking the answer is adjacent to what has been, as if repeating the same thing will present a new outcome, then out comes the Ego to stop you from moving forward, thinking if I just wait here someone will come and dig me out, where if the right person comes they’ll ask, “Can you dig it”, and if you can’t they’ll give you the tools and show you how, but the way forward depends on you doing the work, to move a few more steps to get to the results we seek.

Never realizing how much I’ve been a jerk to me, in the since of jerking around in a past that has already passed, where the look back is the neck break before giving up, like to justify the past is how we stay stuck, is it enough to want something that’s right within your reach, where the only thing stopping you is not moving your feet, from getting tired of trying, to settling in complacency, is how one remains in the place we’re in, even with all the stored knowledge and information we have, an outlet without output is just a feedback loop, a time loop of internal conversations and beliefs gone wild, that veils the short distance we have left to move ourselves out.

In a crowded hallway where it seems there’s no were to move, sometimes the only way to move is to pass a word forward, this assist at times is all that’s needed to part ways with the past, to see the way forward through a mass of distractions, just as long as our reaction doesn’t supersede our presence, or passiveness collapses our will to stay standing, we’ll achieve the next step on the road towards correction, and the lessons we’ve learned will transform into blessing, meaning to Be Less accept-Ing of a narrative and more embracing of our abilities, that’s clearly the way to move forward and through any situation, that doesn’t take a look back to get out of our current position, as the positions we place ourselves in is just a notice from our past.

Where most of the times it’s the wanting to repeat the blast we had, when things were at its “best, fruitful and vibrant and full of hope”, we simply got our way and there was no way this could ever change, so irresponsibly did things (frivolously) as if the moment would last forever, but when the responsibility for Self came in this started to fade, and the things we used to do no longer worked the same, now plenty of moments later we look back and wonder how, how can I use that from my past to change the state I’m in now.

While knowing that it’s not possible and the past can only be corrected, we still stick our nose back in it and lose focus on the present, where all the time we waste stops us from moving forward, in absorption of the things we should possibly ignore, ignore in the sense of seeing the ignorance within it, because the answers we’ve had promoted the stuck-ness of back then, and so as history repeats itself we become stuck again, to the tune of lullabying ourselves back in place from whence we came.

But oh what a dangerous game we play, when giving up credit for our own self-change, it’s the derangement syndrome to think sin is unchangeable, and only able through asking the unseen to forgive you, I mean is it still a thing to think that all human-beings are a lost cause, when there are human-beings that has answered Life’s call, that doesn’t disseminate between the polarity of what side are you on, right/wrong or indifferent there’s only one side, because any other side is the manipulation of reality, which virtually looks promising but really a catastrophe, it blasphemy to look back at what we’ve done in the name of humanity, and claim to be happy when most still live tragically.

Perhaps the simplest way to move forward is to do the reverse of what we’ve always done, in thought/word and deed that’s easy as challenging one’s comfort zone, like getting off the couch, out the chair, and away from the TV for a moment, and in doing so we may relieve the weight we place on our shoulders, this brings a new meaning to the statement “I need a breath of fresh air”, and could be that this air may not only be contingent to going/being outside, but a realization of our own breath without being stimulated with any distractions, that clears the hazy eyes to see our next move forward.

Thanks for reading.

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Day 919: Living the Illusion

Board games are painstakingly believable where it’s conceivable to go a lifetime not realizing that you’re playing in it, i.e. manufactured lifestyle. It’s like a massive game of Simon says, going from one man’s opinion to ideal information that makes you feel good, question is, who are we beholding to but ourselves, but hold others opinions close to us when we’re broken, even if it doesn’t resonate with us, we’ll still listen to them because seemingly they got their shit together and money to back it up, which creates the perfect environment for corruption, where because we’ve made living life a thing of survival, we’ll rival anyone we think is there to administer our demise, but a mistake to think that every person have an ill intent, when looking in from the outside, where we’ll only rise to the occasion if we’re brazing to do so, meaning if the illusion looks great enough to awaken our Ego.

In fact what has mattered most is not lives but lies, whenever we speak upon what someone has told us in a roundabout way, where all the likes we get just makes our day, until the day comes we find ourselves not being liked, and so let spite direct our decisions making process, where because we’ve made a mistake we’ll never admit the graveness of our decisions, but will make sure to try and take everyone we can with us, while missing the obvious that it’s really not a competition but fear driven, eluding the question of; ‘Why am I accepting and allowing myself to live like this”? That presents the opportunity to look at me, and although what I may find may be hard for me to see, it’s the first step into breaking through the illusion I’m living.

Like why do we think we need divine intervention, when those on the other side really don’t give a shit, it’s the prolonging of time from doing something about it, while giving too much power to the devil inside us, externalizing the coward-ness that got us to submit, distracted by the illusion of broken promises, and just when you think things are on the up and up, that’s when we think it’s ok to give up, I mean there’s no steadfastness, instead we’ll run away fast, and hide behind the idea of not being cancelled, but who gives a shit about an unneeded subscription i.e. a broken down system that doesn’t need fixing, but replacement it’s ok to change the way things is, imagine a world without changes and easy to live in, a place for future children to really express themselves, that depends on you and I correcting and changing ourselves.

Hell is a state of mind we manifest in our worlds, then live within the illusion of self-perpetuated hard times, and although the system has much to do with keeping us there, what comes up in the mind is our sole responsibility, so while the reality around us may be somewhat of a mess, doesn’t mean we have to waver from the stability of our presence, that way when it’s time to stand up for a new life adjustment, we can support the adjustment of others seeing who they really are, their capabilities and ability to respond to things without fear, that takes you/me to release ourselves from the fear we exist as, in order to pass through this season of consequence without giving up, because an illusion can only last as long as we continue to believe it.

I once questioned; “How can I change what I have no control over”, until I was shown the only thing each has the ability to change is themselves, then share the process you’re walking to give others more options, than what we were born/raised to believe. And with this it took me about a half of century to see, that who I really am takes a process in lifetime to re-getting to know myself, along with forgiving oneself for our miss-takes and dis-ease, and in doing so makes it easier to look/correct and change our reality, from illusive to all inclusive. Therefore;

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live the illusion of thinking/perceiving/believing that my world is fine, just as long as I stay within my bubble of comfort and complacency, away from all the mess that’s going on in the world, not realizing, how others may think the same as I do, and so as a collective abdicated our responsibility to stand up for life, but rather sit and wait for a savior to divinely intervene, instead of stepping out of this illusion to realize my first responsibility is me, then stand up for what I will and will not accept and allow in my world – that if we each individually do this will change the world as a whole, eradicating the idea of thinking how can I change what I have no control over, being that we are now living the change we want to see in our world, in our lives.

There’s no quick fix for what we fixate on and believe, as we’ve fixed ourselves to only see what we want to see, like you can show someone what a lie is, but if you told them that they’ve been lied to, they’ll think it’s a conspiracy theory and blame you, as we continue to run away from the truth of this ”conspiracy” being hidden in plain sight, where only if it affects us will we open our eyes, but until then we should investigate the things we may not like, to see the long term implications of what this illusion has done to life (Ours).

Thanks for reading.

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Day 918: Toxic Exchanges (Perspective)

Face to face reactions, although toxic are worth getting through, especially when the end reveals the root cause and solutions are exchanged, but at the same time believe it or not most exchanges doesn’t show you the reactionary aspect, but a suppressed presentation of things being ok when they’re not, where at times it may be a lot to explain to someone your reasoning for things, that in the moment may not be able to see your point of view, but over time may find the fine line (connection point) in what you said, but never get back to you to share what they now understand.

You see open ended conversation are toxic in itself, because of the time it take to get to a resolve, and if not the previous conversation will dictate our mood, when moving into the next no matter who it’s with or even the subject matter – there’s still a matter left unchecked so when moving into a new conversation there’s a barrier between the two, in comparison with our previous conversation that left a sour taste in our mouths, causing the tonality we use to be seen as aggressive or abrupt, that may erupt into an argument blamed on, “They just don’t understand me”.

And although it may not be the case what’s still at the forefront, is the internal analyzing for not seeking closure, this exposes the worst of us in front of someone who’s neutral, that had nothing to do with our previous interaction so what do we do, we degrade the conversation we’re having by injecting in gossip, to test the new person with our side of the story, that may look at us like “Damn I didn’t want to hear that” and so turned their moment of purity into a toxic exchange.

Toxic because they’ll now take what you said with them into their world and daily living, as an extra additive to bring up as a distraction from being here, and none is ever the wiser for creating a toxic environment, because in the end we won’t remember what we said 2 minutes ago, but wonder why we “feel” so much negative energy around “other” people, could it be because of something we’ve aimlessly said that has rippled throughout our world, and now into the world as a whole that has caused much separation, so when seeing another’s demeanor could be a depiction of what they heard through someone that came vicariously from us.

It’s like the merry go round of calamity that forces one to regurgitate gossip, like the holy gospel is regurgitated to keep the masses in fear, until the masses wake up and say I don’t want to hear this, then do something about how we’ve been educated, replacing system values with self-worth as human life, that will support the way we speak to one another as equals, because in the great divide of things we can only come together, before getting to the other side and realizing we’ve always been together.

In the word “Letter” it says, LET’s-Teach-Each other-Respect, so the words we write and share should show our respect for Self, which in reverse is the word flesh that’s the skin we live in – that shows how we all have come from the same source, but through forgetting who we really are have corrupted the source code of another, human beings get mad because they don’t mean what they say, so when saying mean things we’re really mad at ourselves, for not taking the time to detox our expression.

There’s no exemption to any human alive, even in exchange for a favor we’ve gotten from someone, we tonic our relationships with them with an “intention” elixir, without realizing how intentions may momentarily fall flat, in time frames of impossibilities we intended to reach, but make decisions that throws the deadline right out to window (Hypothetically speaking), but if self-honest we’ll correct the mistake in due time, that may come at the cost of losing people in our life.

Unintentional toxic exchanges for being at a loss for words, where un-expectancy is cleverly disguised behind the expectation of following through, but tell ourselves “Who knew I thought things would happen by now”, not realizing it takes a process of mapping things out, so when realizing how toxic I’ve been internally that sort of spilled out in my world, in times when I thought of ‘change’ but didn’t live it out, I see the keeping of some words should be kept inside our mouths, in order to make a practical assessment of how things would (actually) play out.

So lay out the thing you’ll speak out before uttering one word, because if it sounds absurd to you, it may as well to them, where in the long run the consequence relies on the initiator of the conversation, before taking it in mind to mine consequences for ourselves, you see in which ever role we play attracts the opposite to happen, that should be indication of the wherewithal we’ve lost, it’s because of being selfish we’ve gotten nowhere with all, and until all take responsibility for what now exist, will we detoxify this human condition to purify the exchanges we have. Therefore;

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize/understand how the idea of intentions can be toxic in the long run, that in turn could cause toxic exchanges when the unexpected suddenly happens, with others in my world through miscommunication points, that either of us miss the opportunity to communicate effectively with the other, that then may be shared in new conversation with someone else, degrading the chance of purity through injecting in gossip, that syringes a toxic drip on the tongue of the other person, whose now left with a sour taste in their mouth to spit out into their world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize/understand the things I say may be carried around throughout my world, and if gossip, could cause hardship for another within it and even if about self, could in turn cause hardship for me, being that all information is not to be shared with just anyone for the sake of empathy or sympathy, that’s quick to backfire and be used against you, when whomever knows it is in a tight spot, and so use what they know about you to spite the spot you’re in, in replace for them in their best case scenario.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have placed others in a tight spot, because of a seemingly harmless but toxic exchange I would have with them, knowingly or unknowingly, no matter who it’s with, it’s still our responsibility to be self-honest with what we bring up and say.

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand how with one conversation a toxic environment can be created, when the group or individuals in which was talked about, comes together at a point, that the stories of the matter will turn into the root cause and the truth, but only if the group or individuals are self-honest with themselves.

So you see, self-honesty plays a major role in how our environments is shaped and molded, simply through the words that comes out of our mouths, like if one was to place themselves in front of the words we speak, we would see the effect it would have on another and so ourselves, therefore when the urge comes up to keep a conversation going, or as a point of revenge, or as a point of exposure, to shine the light on someone else, so our own faults won’t be seen, I realize in some cases it’s best to bring up the outcome of a few days later, 1 month to a year, to 5 years later for that matter, in seeing the effect it may have on us, our future and that of the other in which we speak of, because a momentary feeling goes as fast as it comes, meaning it’s not worth it, with the guilt that follows, therefore to detoxify oneself is to identify what I would like for me, from others, then perpetuate this in my conversation with those in my world, that would in turn change my toxic exchanges into creative exchanges, to change the world in which we live, into that which is best for all.

Thanks for reading.

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Day 917: Democracy (Perspective)

Experiments are always exciting until it works or doesn’t work out, meaning if it does, we then move out of the excitement phase and into being the norm, normal prodigal of enactment, but if it doesn’t, most of the times it’s scrapped, as demos are only a beta test of what’s to come, so how is it that our society have been hijacked into living in a demo phase that’s only credible for the few in control, and incredible to abide by for the masses, instead of it being the opposite, where the masses demand transparency of how the demo (system) actually works, before leaving it to just a few to create policy depicting the must do’s and don’ts that should have only been what’s best for all/we the people, instead of the tyrannical governance thereof.

Above all, there should be no cloud of doubt or misconception of what’s happening at any given moment in time in our societies, as our priorities should be ‘make what you make’ (Capitalism), but not at the behest of another, because with every facet of society functioning correctly, heaven (in a sense) can be achieved here on earth, and so one can only imagine the possibilities that’s possibility seen by all, but somehow let fear interrupt our consideration for all, with the fear of loss.

This is because of the blaspheming and demeaning, corruption and deceiving being done in public, in the face of the on lookers, us, to create the atmosphere of powerless – that there’s nothing you can do about it, so we’ll tell you exactly what we’re doing, in hopes to chess move you into a corner to relinquish all your pieces (Giving your Power away), and be a peace with it, as you will own nothing and be happy = “Our democracy”.

So when you hear things like “It’s an attack on our Democracy”, understand this is an assault on your intelligence, because if this was for you, you wouldn’t have that sick feeling in the pit of your stomach, every time you get flustered about maintain your point of survival, where because we let News ruin our sensibility, we’re forced to make senseless moves just to survive, that makes living life a full time job, instead of a common pass time done passively all the time, meaning I don’t have to worry about time, I don’t have to worry about crime, I don’t have to worry about the design of hypocrisy, because in a real democracy it doesn’t exist, and ‘That’s’ worth getting to.

It’s a wonder how we survived this long in a world of misfits that throw hissy fits, created through the ideals of power and control, as our fore fathers didn’t have the capacity we now do, to see/realize/understand and get ahold of, all knowledge that exist at our fingertips and do something about it, but still then we have to weave through the distractions that’s purposefully place to keep us in place while being shown the truth, so whose fault is it anyway that the democracy we’ve once known is now gone, and out of control, been taken out of our control and into the hands of a few a long time ago? I mean is the reprogramming from a programmed existence worth going back into, or do we realize there is something we can do about it, as the power always resides in the collective/we the people, not the few?

They say grassroots are the most effective way to enact change, but to take it one step further, bringing things back to self, helps any grassroots movement, meaning when I/each individual accept and embrace our own lackluster non-participation in our own immediate environments, knowing how this hasn’t worked out for us, then move to talk about/speak to/write about/share ourselves with those in our immediate environments/neighborhood/circles and do something about it, then you’ll see things slowly start to change, because no one really wants to continue to live in a world of mayhem, not the lawyers/doctors/politicians/crooks (believe it or not), or even criminals, likes what has become of this world, (I mean just remove all the money and you’ll see), as most was forced into these positions, but not as a point of agreeing with any greed, deception, abuse or lack of consideration for any form of life, but to show that there is a small part in everyone that wants to live in a society that’s safe/free/cleared of abuse/clean and considerate.

I mean this is what a democracy should look like, that will take this, a lifetime to correct ourselves, with or without each one of us = the word “Inevitability”, so what we do with our time here on earth in this moment, will dictate how long we’ll stay within this slave mentality (including the slave “masters” that’s enslaved to their own mind (narrative) that’s good for nothing), before moving into this Same, but New World without Fear, as Fear won’t take you no-where but believing that there’s something out there, and it’s not, so starting with me, I vow to correct my own democracy of self, that would then ripple out into the world as a whole and into redefining what democracy should mean to/for all as the collective = a way to support all life equally. What about you?

Thanks for reading.

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Day 916: Dumb down (Perspective)

The illusion of making things easier to understand, that really excuses the possibility for a society to know the truth, nothing but the truth, with no one helping you, as god as the illusion is all knowing, but Life as God is the ‘what’ in knowing – that one should see/realize/understand that our history, the occurrences of our past = the events of how we got to this point in time and should be looked at, so that we don’t let history repeat itself (again), but create our story as the vibrancy of the world.

As a mechanism of control, division is divisive to widening the gap between the truth knowers and the distracted, you and me both, that’s been distracted with a limited understanding of how the system really works and our participation within it. Spoon feed just enough to keep our part of the engine functioning, and then told you’re doing your part, as we wholeheartedly believe “I’m doing my part”, which consist of, keeping your head down, staying in your lane and don’t say anything about the injustices going on in the world today, because the system will take care of that. In essence if we go along with this, we’re rewarded with honors/graduations and promotions, for simply being heartless towards the heart of humanity, in separation from likeminded individuals like us, who help build the backbone of our individual nations and societies.

We’ve created a definition of leadership as “Do what I say, not what I do”, meaning I’ll show you how to do your part, but will never show you how to be a part of the whole, because that would entail me losing my stronghold of control, so the best way to keep it is, to dumb down all within my reach, and teach them over time the necessity of being complacent, and hopefully they’ll be grateful for the bits and pieces of scraps that’s left at the table.

You can tell someone what a lie looks likes, but if you tell them they’ve been lied to, they’ll never believe you, as I too couldn’t fathom how my life was based off of a lie, that I was born in sin and shaped in iniquity but in the image and likeness of God, Hmm, where the odd part was, for a while it keep me out of systematic trouble, until I realized that trouble was based off of self-autonomy, where trying to make it on my own/have my own things (survival) with no strings attached was forbidden, so if I didn’t spend 1 year in kindergarten, 6 years in elementary school, 2 years in middle school and 4 years in high school and so on, I would be deemed as a threat to society, simply because I was a “self-thinker”.

But it wasn’t until later in life did I realize the real reason behind the education system was, to pick your part of the existing engine that powers the system and stick with it – that today we call the essential jobs, which would make you an essential worker, I mean who wouldn’t want to be essential, and so with a society of people whose told they’re essential, feeds the mind into believing that a hierarchy is a good thing, and self-autonomy is bad, meaning the only way you’ll make it in life is to follow orders, that built a society of a few thieves and the rest Indians, meaning the Indians in fact did the blunt of the dirty work, while the thieves came behind them and stole everything from them.

And as time went on the truth became conspiracies, with the advent of the word conspiracy theory, which was create to dispel any disbelief of a pending narrative, that way when fed a distraction it’s believable, until now it’s hard to find the truth for being buried in a mountain of alterations/ lies and conspiracies, that overwhelms the truth seeker back into the point of complacency, where within we find comfort to stay in our place, never taking a second look to see what was/is really going on here.

Like it’s demoralizing to know that you just saw something, then turn around for a second and it’s all covered up, add in wanting to share it with someone who can’t see it now, you’ll find yourself in a pickle for being unbelievable to a close friend, this is because of the dumbing down that’s been done to us since we were born, let alone grade school, high school or any other school that teaches you not to ask questions, so when entering into society we horse rang ourselves, to be pulled along by the mouth and directed away from self, as we fall on every word that comes out of the lips of those with money, and if we’re lucky they’ll let us surf through life on a board of cards, until we’ve exhausted all our energy and given up all our children, because we we’re too blind to see that things was never done for us.

Now the opposite of being dumb down is to wake oneself up to all the possibilities in misbelief, because it’s never too late to realize what we’ve let slip by, when turning a blind eye to what should be common sense, to seeing something and saying something without fear of recourse, in which case would be better for you and the party involved, making a statement of self for what we will or will not accept and allow, that goes for the collective that’s been given the short end of the stick, to standing up and removing the stick that crutched us in place.

So, In bringing it back to self, it’s about the processing of information, where if certain information makes me feel a certain way, I then must investigate what about this information that made my mood change, and what you’ll find is that it’s something that really doesn’t resonate with me, so how have I been so acceptable to the unacceptable I’ve gotten accustom to, and when looking at it I see how I’ve attached myself to the distractions of now, that need to be corrected in order to break the spell of being dumb down, in order to do my part in changing how I’ve participated in the way things are today. Therefore:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize/understand how I have let myself be dumb down since realizing what the word dumb down really means, because before then I only knew what I was told and/or shown, that’s not an excuse but a cloud of forcible pressure, and still then I pressured myself into being forced into agreeing with things, instead of being a force of life not to be reckoned with, that would show how I would stand for all life equally, but found myself years later waking up “To” a horrible dream. And this only comes to the forefront when our self-interest was threaten.

Where it’s interesting how the saying goes ‘something has to happen for the masses to wake up’, then after the initial shock comes the great awakening, and the reason why it’s great is because most of us have defined ourselves by the distractions we’ve attached ourselves to, thinking and believing the thought – that if I do what I’m told, then my life will be fine.

So could it be that one of the reasons for being here is to Stop Believing “I am the Thoughts I Think”, in which case would show how dumb down we really are, because if we believe our own thoughts are true, we will believe the thoughts/ideas/perceptions and beliefs of others, notably in authority positions, not realizing that in doing so, we subject our children to the same preprogramming of the programmed life we’ve lived, and with that you have a ripe atmosphere for being dumb down, because at our most fear point we are bound to questioning Nothing, but if fear is eradicated you’ll see how this binding was/is just a manufactured illusion we believe and so make come alive.

Thanks for reading.

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